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  • moin,ich brauche hilfe so schnell wie möglich!!!!!!!

    ich brauch hilfe für die double weapon animation,da ich schlkecht die anleitung verstehe(siehe expander) muss mir jmd. erklären(der es vllt. schon mal gemacht hat) wie man das machen muss(und wer irgend wie ein link für´ne dc17 psitole,her damit ^^)

    ////////////////////////////Doubleweapon Basepose\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    by DarthD.U.C.K. 28.12.2009

    I made this basepose for double-weapon animations, it makes an extra model for
    the lefthand-weapon obsolete.

    The basepose.msh is the shipped skeleton execp that I added a hardpoint called
    "hp_weapons_1" to the left hand which is exactly translated like the original
    hardpoint on the left hand.

    This pack contains the raw basepose and raw animations from the two sets included
    aswell as two munged animationsets "jango" and "calo" for doubleweapons including
    the basepose and the doublepistolanimations I made about one year ago.

    To attach a weapon to the left hand, add the following lines into the units odf:
    AnimatedAddon = "left_gun"
    GeometryAddon = "weap_inf_dc17pistol" // the pistols meshname
    AddonAttachJoint = "hp_weapons_1"

    The following tutorial explains how to create a new animationset called "double" with the new basepose.

    If you want to make a custom animset because you want to rearrange the anims etc., follow the tutorial below.
    If you want to use the munged animset only follow step 12 and make shure the units weapon has the animstionbank "pistol".
    How to create and munge a custom animationset:
    1. Go to the BF2_ModTools\assets\Animations\ folder and copy the munge.bat clean.bat and munge_subdir.bat files.

    2. Paste them in the data_YOURMAPID\Animations\ folder

    3. Open the munge.bat (rightclick->edit) and delete all lines except the first three 4 lines.

    4. Change the "human0" entry in the "@call munge_subdir.bat SoldierAnimationBank\human_0" line to the name of your new animset, ill call it "double".

    5. Open the "SoldierAnimationBank" folder -you will see a folder called "template" inside- rename it to "double".

    6. When you open this folder you will see another munge.bat, open it and it will look like this:
    "@call ..\munge_animation.bat "/keepframe0 /dest aalya.zaf" Sides\REP" rename "REP" to the side you want to munge your animation to.

    7. Rename "aalya.zaf" to "double.zaf", close and save the munge.bat

    8. open the "raw basepose"-folder, copy the basepose.msh file and paste it in your "double" folder.

    9. Copy and paste the animations which came with this pack also in the "double" folder.

    10.Animationnames are set up like this:
    "double" determinates the animationset, if you name your animset differently you have to rename the prefix of all animations.
    "pistol" is the name of the animationbank, that means that in this case all pistol will use this animation
    (other animbanks are tool,meele,bazooka etc.).
    "stand" is the posture, battlefront knows four postures: stand,standaler,crouch and crouchalert, the animposture is used after a wepon was fired.
    "runforward" is the name of the state in which this animation is played. (other states are idle_emote,shoot,reload,jump etc. ).
    and the "upper"-extension defines for which part of the body the animation is applied in this case its the upperbody.
    usually only the "upper"-, and "full" or no extensions are used. if you use "upper" the lowerbody will use the stock animation for this state.

    11.Now launch the munge.bat in the "Animations" folder. If you've done everything right you will now have "double.anims","double.zafbin" and
    "double.zaabin" in the "munged" folder of the side you've choosen.

    12.Open the odf of the unit you want to give the the new anim and write
    "AnimationName = "double" under "[Properties]"

    13.Munge your map and enjoy the new animations!

    -If you dont like the (awesome) standanimations, just delete the "double_tool_stand_idle_emote_full.msh" and
    double_tool_standalert_idle_emote_full.msh animations and remunge the animset. Battlefront will allways use the stockanims
    (humanX_...) for all animations that arent included in your customanimset.
    -If you want to put anonther animationset in the hirarchy between the "human_X"- and your animset, write it behind you customanimset in your odf.
    E.g. "AnimationName = "cloneassassin aalya" this unit will look in the aalya animationset if it cant find an anim in the "cloneassassin" set.
    If it cant find the anim in the "aalya" animset either, it will ude the base "human_X" anim. (Of course you have to load the additional anim )

    If you use any of these animations you have to credit me!

    And the credits are going to:
    -psych0fred for realeasing the unit_template_beta and making it possible to create new animations, units and skeletons.
    -Gogie for writing the unitanimation tutorial.
    -Digital Tutors for some usefull informations about animating.
    -Everyone who helped me with XSI.
    -The whole Gametoast community for doing what they do.

    legal stuff:

    screen(dc 17 pistol):
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    wie fügt man ein bild in die map ein(ich mein beim laden der map)

    und wie kann man das epoche zeichen ändern und unbennenen??

    wie kann man epochen entfernen(z.b. galktischer bürgerkrieg)

    wie erstellt man einen installer für mods uä.??

    ich danke in voraus schonmal :thumbup:


  • Zu 1. Also du willst eine erklärung wie du die animation rein kriegst richtig? Download einer dc17 ... warte mal... Ahh eine dc17 m aus republic commando


    (Habs mir nich angesehn wenns deinen erwartungen net entspricht einfach sagen ^^

  • 1. Eine DC17 gibts auf GameToast im Downloadbereich, hab aber grad keinen Link parat.
    3. Das kann man alles in der addme.lua machen, die ist irgendwo in deinem Projektordner.

  • Das weiß ich, hab den entsprechenden Tutorial-Part schon übersetzt! Aber komm gerad net ran, bin bei Kumpel! Spätestens morgen kann ichs dir genau sagen!

  • Hier ist die Lösung aus dem D M-T:
    Teil 23: LadebildschirmeAh, Ladebildschirme...Die sind absolut überflüssig, aber eine nette Ergänzung auf jeder Map. So, hier werden wir jetzt deinen eigenen Ladebildschirm für deine Map erstellen! Zuerst, erstelle eine neue Map. Munge sie nur mit überprüftem Common. Wen das geschehen ist, gehe zu data_*** (die *** stehen für die beliebigen drei Buchstaben, die du dort verwendet hast)/ _BUILD/ load. Dort sind zwei Dateien: clean.bat und munge.bat. Rechtsklicke auf munge.bat und drücke bearbeiten. Drinnen sollte es so aussehen: Bewege die Maus über bearbeiten am Menü des oberen Bildschirmrandes und wähle ersetzen aus. Drücke @, während du dich in „find what“ befindest. Lasse „ersetzen mit“ frei. Drücke „alles ersetzen“. Speicher es, dann gehe hinaus. Jetzt müssen wir einen Load-Ordner erstellen. Gehe zu data*** und erstelle einen neuen Ordner mit Namen (du ahnst es) load. Jetzt müssen wir das Lade-Bild gestalten. Erstelle eine TGA-Datei mit GIMP. Deren Maße müssen einem Quadrat entsprechen (also 4x4, 16x16, 1024x1024 usw.). Füge dein Bild in die leere Fläche ein. Speichere es als TGA-Datei mit RLE-Verdichtung und nenne es loadscreen. Nun füge die TGA-Datei in deinen neuen Load-Ordner. Jetzt kopiere irgendeine REQ-Datei hierher. Es ist egal von wo, kontrolliere nur, dass es WIRKLICH eine REQ-Datei ist. Füge sie nun in den Ordner mit der eben erstellten TGA-Datei ein und nenne sie common. Nun füge dies in die Datei hinein: ucft

    Jetzt munge sie mit „Load Checked“. Diese Funktion fügt deinen Load-Ordner nicht automatisch zum Addon-Ordner hinzu. Gehe dorthin, wo deine Map eingefügt wurde (siehe Teil 12: Verpacken) , danach in _lvl_pc. Dort sind einige Ordner. Jetzt gehe zu data_***/ _LVL_pc. Kopiere den Load-Ordner zu deinem Addon-Ordner (es sollte direkt zu deinen mission.lvl- und core.lvl-Dateien hinzugefügt werden. Jetzt müssen wir nur noch etwas in der LUA-Datei verändern. Gehe zu deiner LUA-Datei (data_***/ common/ scripts/ ***), in welcher Ära du auch immer möchtest. Finde diesen Abschnitt in ihr: ReadDataFile("ingame.lvl")

    Direkt darüber musst du dies einfügen:


    Jetzt munge mit “Common Checked” und dein Ladebildschirm sollte im Spiel sein!!!

  • Erstmal wowowo mit dem lade bild scirm oben beschrieben mit den animationen ich kan dir die fertig gemungeten Animationen schicken da ich bezweiffle das du ws an den animationen ändern willst. keine ki auf der map ? was hast du den an der lua geändert ?

    googeln bildet ^^ Ps Gametoast auch

  • das einzigste was fählt,ist die angesprochene animation,hab ein weiteres problem,ich bin grad dabei,droiden zu bearbeiten,wenn ich z.b. die odf des sniper droiden umschreibe,das es zusätzlich ein blaster gewehr hat,stürzt die map ab,was ist die ursache(hab bei der FSVc_con dc: vor side gemacht)

  • das einzigste was fählt,ist die angesprochene animation,hab ein weiteres problem,ich bin grad dabei,droiden zu bearbeiten,wenn ich z.b. die odf des sniper droiden umschreibe,das es zusätzlich ein blaster gewehr hat,stürzt die map ab,was ist die ursache(hab bei der FSVc_con dc: vor side gemacht)

    Erstmal XD kan ichn dir nicht sagen woran das liegt vielleicht hast du unter die waffe die secktion für wurf mwaffen geaddet da musst du die ODF schon posten :D

  • [GameObjectClass]

    ClassParent = "cis_inf_default"

    UnitType = "Scout"

    WeaponName = "cis_weap_inf_rifle"
    WeaponAmmo = 5

    WeaponName = "cis_weap_inf_pistol"
    VOUnitType = 084
    WeaponAmmo = 0

    WeaponName = "cis_weap_inf_thermaldetonator"
    WeaponAmmo = 5
    WeaponChannel = 1

    VOSound = "cis_command_follow SC_Follow"
    VOSound = "cis_command_stopFollow SC_StopFollow"
    VOSound = "cis_command_stopVehicle SC_VehicleWaitUp"
    VOSound = "cis_command_getIn SC_GetIn"
    VOSound = "cis_command_getOut SC_GetOut"
    VOSound = "cis_response_follow SC_FollowResponse"
    VOSound = "cis_response_stopFollow SC_StopFollowResponse"
    VOSound = "cis_response_stopVehicle SC_VehicleWaitUpResponse"
    VOSound = "cis_response_getIn SC_GetInResponse"
    VOSound = "cis_response_getOut SC_GetOutResponse"

    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_hostile SpottedVO"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_bacta NeedMedicVO"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_mechanic NeedRepairVO"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_ammo NeedAmmoVO"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_transport NeedPickupVO"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_backup NeedBackupVO"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_clear_area AttackPositionVO"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_defend DefendPositionVO"

    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_hostile_inVehicle SpottedVO +InVehicle"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_bacta_inVehicle NeedMedicVO +InVehicle"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_mechanic_inVehicle NeedRepairVO +InVehicle"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_ammo_inVehicle NeedAmmoVO +InVehicle"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_transport_inVehicle NeedPickupVO +InVehicle"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_backup_inVehicle NeedBackupVO +InVehicle"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_clear_area_inVehicle AttackPositionVO +InVehicle"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_pc_com_defend_inVehicle DefendPositionVO +InVehicle"

    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum121 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum121"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_Left AcquiredTarget +Left"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_Right AcquiredTarget +Right"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum123 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum123"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum124 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum124"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum124 NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum124"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum125 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum125"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum125 NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum125"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum126 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum126"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum126 NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum126"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum127 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum127"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum127 NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum127"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum132 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum132"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum132 NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum132"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum161 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum161"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum161 NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum161"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NearbyFriendlySlaughter NearbyFriendlySlaughter"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NearbyEnemySlaughter NearbyEnemySlaughter"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_KillingSpree4 KillingSpree4"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_KillingSpree8 KillingSpree8"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_HeadshotKill HeadshotKill"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_Grenade Grenade"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_MissileIncoming MissileIncoming"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_IsSniper_VOUnitNum122 AcquiredTarget +IsSniper +VOUnitNum122"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_FriendlyFire FriendlyFire"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RebelsShootDeadBody RebelsShootDeadBody"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_GivePowerup GivePowerup"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_IsTurret AcquiredTarget +IsTurret"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum181 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum181"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum186 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum186"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum187 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum187"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum188 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum188"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum189 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum189"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum190 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum190"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsHover RepairStart +IsHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsWalker RepairStart +IsWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsFlyer RepairStart +IsFlyer"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsHover RepairEnd +IsHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsWalker RepairEnd +IsWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsFlyer RepairEnd +IsFlyer"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsTurret RepairStart +IsTurret"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsTurret RepairEnd +IsTurret"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget AcquiredTarget"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum176 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum176"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum175 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum175"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum177 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum177"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum2 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum2"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum172 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum172"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum174 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum174"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum173 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum173"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum171 AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum171"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_Above_VOUnitNum121_InHover AcquiredTarget +Above +VOUnitNum121 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_Left_InHover AcquiredTarget +Left +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_Right_InHover AcquiredTarget +Right +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum124_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum124 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum124_InHover NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum124 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum125_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum125 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum125_InHover NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum125 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum126_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum126 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum126_InHover NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum126 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum127_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum127 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum127_InHover NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum127 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum132_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum132 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum132_InHover NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum132 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum161_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum161 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum161_InHover NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum161 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NearbyEnemySlaughter_InHover NearbyEnemySlaughter +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NearbyFriendlySlaughter_InHover NearbyFriendlySlaughter +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_KillingSpree4_InHover KillingSpree4 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_KillingSpree8_InHover KillingSpree8 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_HeadshotKill_InHover HeadshotKill +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_Grenade_InHover Grenade +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_MissileIncoming_InHover MissileIncoming +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_IsSniper_VOUnitNum122_InHover AcquiredTarget +IsSniper +VOUnitNum122 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_FriendlyFire_InHover FriendlyFire +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RebelsShootDeadBody_InHover RebelsShootDeadBody +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_IsTurret_InHover AcquiredTarget +IsTurret +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum181_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum181 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum186_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum186 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum187_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum187 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum188_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum188 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum189_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum189 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum190_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum190 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsHover_InHover RepairStart +IsHover +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsWalker_InHover RepairStart +IsWalker +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsFlyer_InHover RepairStart +IsFlyer +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsHover_InHover RepairEnd +IsHover +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsWalker_InHover RepairEnd +IsWalker +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsFlyer_InHover RepairEnd +IsFlyer +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_InHover AcquiredTarget +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum176_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum176 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum175_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum175 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum177_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum177 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum2_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum2 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum172_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum172 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum174_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum174 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum173_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum173 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum171_InHover AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum171 +InHover"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_Above_VOUnitNum121_InWalker AcquiredTarget +Above +VOUnitNum121 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_Left_InWalker AcquiredTarget +Left +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_Right_InWalker AcquiredTarget +Right +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum124_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum124 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum124_InWalker NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum124 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum125_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum125 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum125_InWalker NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum125 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum126_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum126 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum126_InWalker NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum126 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum127_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum127 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum127_InWalker NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum127 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum132_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum132 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum132_InWalker NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum132 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum161_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum161 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NotShootingCriticalHit_VOUnitNum161_InWalker NotShootingCriticalHit +VOUnitNum161 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NearbyEnemySlaughter_InWalker NearbyEnemySlaughter +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_NearbyFriendlySlaughter_InWalker NearbyFriendlySlaughter +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_KillingSpree4_InWalker KillingSpree4 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_KillingSpree8_InWalker KillingSpree8 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_HeadshotKill_InWalker HeadshotKill +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_Grenade_InWalker Grenade +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_MissileIncoming_InWalker MissileIncoming +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_IsSniper_VOUnitNum122_InWalker AcquiredTarget +IsSniper +VOUnitNum122 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_FriendlyFire_InWalker FriendlyFire +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RebelsShootDeadBody_InWalker RebelsShootDeadBody +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_IsTurret_InWalker AcquiredTarget +IsTurret +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum181_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum181 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum186_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum186 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum187_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum187 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum188_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum188 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum189_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum189 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum190_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum190 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsHover_InWalker RepairStart +IsHover +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsWalker_InWalker RepairStart +IsWalker +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairStart_IsFlyer_InWalker RepairStart +IsFlyer +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsHover_InWalker RepairEnd +IsHover +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsWalker_InWalker RepairEnd +IsWalker +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_RepairEnd_IsFlyer_InWalker RepairEnd +IsFlyer +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_InWalker AcquiredTarget +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum176_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum176 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum175_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum175 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum177_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum177 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum2_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum2 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum172_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum172 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum174_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum174 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum173_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum173 +InWalker"
    VOSound = "cis1_inf_chatter_AcquiredTarget_VOUnitNum171_InWalker AcquiredTarget +VOUnitNum171 +InWalker"