Am 23. April wurde ein Map Rotation Update für Star Wars: Battlefront II veröffentlicht.
Nachfolgend findet ihr die kompletten Patchnotes:
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Just a quick heads up, on Monday (23rd April) we’ll be making some changes to the map rotation in Star Wars Battlefront II.
Galactic Assault will now lead with Takodana, Starkiller Base and Yavin IV before cycling through the rest of the maps.
Heroes vs Villains will start with Naboo, Tatooine and then Hoth. Strike will begin with Death Star, Endor and then onto Naboo. Blast will begin with Crait, followed by Naboo and then Tatooine.
This will happen on Monday morning (CEST) DICE HQ time and can take between 2-3 hours to propagate across all of our servers. Once the change has been made and everything is live, please do give us your feedback.
There will be no downtime or patch download required for this update.
Have a great weekend all, see you on the Battlefront.