The Alliances in Conquer the Galaxy

  • If clans form one big alliance and go collectively to war - then it is Conquer the Galaxy! Today we present you the alliances that will be participating in the tournament. Which clans will group up and plunge side by side into battle with their allies? You will find every necessary information in this news.

    The Alliances

    When we looked on the alliances we looked very closely to arrange it that all alliances have almost the same player number which will be send into battle. This is particulary important when you have to defend a planet since at the defence all available players can be deployed without a playerlimit. If the defending alliance have more players available then the attacking alliance this could decide the battle before it even started.

    After experimenting a long time and a lot of discussions we agreed on an arrangement that fits the criterion optimaly.

    We are aware that maybe not every clan will participate with their favourite partners in an alliance but we had announced beforehand that the admins will set the alliances. This should be known by every participant. Accordingly we hope that all participants can get used to that arrangment.

    Alliance 1 (35 players):

    Alliance 2 (35 players):

    Alliance 3 (36 players):

    Alliance 4 (34 players):

    Alliance 5 (32 players):

    Alliance 6 (34 players):

    We recommend that every clan contacts their partners and discuss who will lead the alliance throughout the tournament and who will bring order to chaos.
    No clan can decide alone which and when a planet will be attacked and who will play because this would end up in chaos. Instead of that the whole alliance should decide that together.

    We request every alliance or better say every clan of the alliance to tell us here in the news who will take the lead of the alliance. This can be more then one person but they should communicate very well so that there won't be a problem during the tournament.

    Forum Area for Alliances

    If requested each alliance will be provided with their own forum area in the Battlefront Cantina on which only the members will have access and noone else. Even the admins would not have access to this area. This could be useful for internal arrangements. If you wish your own forum area please contact the admin team of the tournament. We will help you along. Alternatively you can discuss everything over your prefered channel.