SWBF 4on4 1.0 Cup

  • hi,

    ich weiß nicht inwiefern hier noch Leute sind die auch swbf1 spielen, aber ich dachte, ich poste das ganze mal hier.
    Es geht um einen swbf1 cup, der am 4. August stattfinden soll. Nachfolgend einfach mal der Eingführungstext von dem projekt:

    von: http://www.centuryclan.eu/Battlefront-eSports.htm

    [Blockierte Grafik: http://img.webme.com/pic/2/21stcentury-clan/bfesheader3.png]

    "Battlefront eSports is a project started in the hope that
    professional gaming in Star Wars Battlefront will come back since the
    closing of the ESL.

    With new discovered ways to prevent faking and the
    invention of an Anti-Cheat tool we're sure that all players will have a
    great gaming experience.

    It is important that you read the cup rules carefully,
    because only if all players are following them it is sure that we can
    have a cup without cheating, faking and other unpleasant problems.

    You should also familiarize yourself with the Anti-Cheat Tool rules and how to use it. Use the navigation above in order to view the rules and to sign up a team for an upcoming cup.

    The price (every player of the winner squad gets a 10€ paysafecard, if played at least once in the cup) for the upcoming tournament is sponsored by second joy MULTIMEDIA"

    Vielleicht treiben sich hier ja ein paar alte (oder neue) Hasen rum die Lust hätten mal wieder 'ne Runde swbf1 zu daddeln.
    Wir freuen uns über jede Anmeldung! ;)